
Typos: The Typological Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this valuable text, Leonhard Goppelt examines typology and typological interpretation of the Bible. He explores its various definitions, and looks at typology in Palestinian Judaism, Hellenistic Judaism, the New Testament, apocalyticism, and Paul. Goppelt also gives a skilful analysis of the nature of Old Testament typology in the New Testament.

only true for syncretism and the philosophy of religion, which have always been offended by the OT when studying Christianity (in recent years as well as in the first centuries), but it is also true for serious Christocentric theology. In any era the interpretation and exposition of the OT is closely interrelated with the general theological climate. Harnack, in his interpretation of the nature of Christianity, described the development in the following manner: By accepting the OT, Christianity became
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